Undergraduate Major and Research

Undergraduate Student Groups

Undergraduate Chemistry Society (Benzene) 

Benzene is a chemistry interest club for undergraduate students of all majors. Meetings are held every week, and topics vary from student presentations on research to faculty talks. Benzene also serves as a social group where chemistry majors, biochemistry majors, and others interested in the chemical sciences can meet, hang out, and ask questions about research, graduate school, and other topics. Benzene hosts a yearly seminar, the Gregory Hillhouse Memorial lecture (previously the "Benzene Lecture") in which they invite a distinguished chemist to give a lecture and meet with undergraduate students.

Finally, Benzene now hosts an undergraduate lab tour to expose undergraduates to research opportunities at the university. Check out their Facebook page.

Faculty Advisor: John Anderson

Women in Science 

Women in Science is a Registered Student Organization (RSO) at the University of Chicago. We strive to provide a welcoming community for students of all genders interested in exploring STEM fields at UChicago. As the name suggests, we mainly focus on preparing women in STEM to fight against the barriers they can expect to face in historically male-dominated STEM fields. To do this, we offer everything from community building activities to academic advice to career planning.

oSTEM at UChicago

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at the University of Chicago (oSTEM at UChicago) seeks to provide a community and resources for LGBTQIA (queer) undergraduate and graduate students to be leaders in STEM fields. oSTEM at UChicago will provide professional networking/recruiting, social and professional LGBTQIA-oriented events, and peer mentoring resources for these students.

Society for Scientists of Color

The purpose of the Society for Scientists of Color (SSoC) at the University of Chicago shall be to promote and cultivate an environment in which students of color have the resources to succeed as scientists, as well as to provide a sense of community and belonging between Scientists of Color.

The goals of SSoC shall be to promote and ensure the continued growth of accessibility and opportunity for students of color interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.