Chemistry Network of Support

  1. Friends, Family, PI, Peers: Your support network is a great sounding board and first place to begin discussing your concerns; they can help crystallize an issue and offer clarity in emotionally stressing situations
  2. The Department provides several confidential resources which work together to provide a network of support
    • Student Ombudspersons are a confidential peer resource trained in conflict mediation to help you work through your issue
    • Faculty Ombudspersons can help with advisor, research group, and department issues that seem thorny
    • Staff Ombudspersons can help with all administrative and academic matters
    • Director of Academic Programs & Graduate Studies has lots of experience and has dealt with most any situation graduate students encounter
    • Department Chair can be an ally in a difficult situation and help address complicated issues
  3. Outside of the department, the PSD Dean of Students can assist with all student affairs.
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