Giving to Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry continues its mission of research and education with the help of alumni and friends like you. You can be a catalyst in the process of scientific discovery by making a gift to the Department.

Click Here to Donate

Select Chemistry or a specific fund under Area of Support

Send a check to:

The University of Chicago Department of Chemistry

Attn: Ben Anderson

5735 S. Ellis Ave.

Chicago, IL 60637

To donate to a specific fund, please refer below:

Fund Purpose
Chemistry Alumni Fellowship Fund Supports graduate students
Donald Levy Student Activities Fund  Supports student-initiated research meetings, Tiger Talks, and student activities
Joan Shiu Endowment Fund Recognizes students for service to the Department
Gregory L. Hillhouse Memorial Fund

Sponsors the Hillhouse lecture and related activities for undergraduates

John C. Light Memorial Fund  Supports an exceptional graduate student in theoretical chemistry
James R. Norris Summer Research Award Supports an excellent first-year undergraduate for a summer of undergraduate research
Chemistry General Fund Supports new initiatives within the Departmen


The department thanks you for your kind and generous support.