
Steven J Sibener elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC),

Carl William Eisendrath Distinguished Service Professor Steven J Sibener has been admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), a professional society based in the United Kingdom with over 50,000 members worldwide.

The designation of Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) is given to those who have made significant contributions to the chemical sciences. Additionally, the names of newly elected Fellows are published yearly in The Times (London).


Fellows are nominated by other members because of their distinguished research careers, impact on scientific advancement and benefit to the application of chemical science through public service, outreach, policy development and change, and through connecting or leading the chemical science community to provide solutions for societal challenges.

Fellowship is the most senior category of membership and typically represents that a Fellow has an influential position in the chemistry community, possesses expertise and experience, and is committed to helping society understand and value the contributions of the chemical sciences.

Founded in 1841, the RSC is the largest organization in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. RSC partners with industry and academia, advises governments on policy and promotes the talent, collaboration, innovation, information, and ideas that lead to great scientific advances.


In 1980, the four major British chemistry societies — the RSC, the Society for Analytical Chemistry, the Royal Institute of Chemistry, and the Faraday Society — merged to form The Royal Society of Chemistry, which was granted a new Royal Charter.

For more information on the Royal Society of Chemistry, please visit the official website here.


To read more about Professor Sibener's work and research, visit his faculty page here and read “A Brief Scientific Memoir” published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry in 2015.