Credit: Olivia Boyd
For the past two years, Assistant Professor Sarah King has organized an open art contest in her CHEM 122 class. At the end of the quarter, several students are selected to present a visual project before the class that breaks down complex chemistry principles into creative works of art.
By incorporating elements of creativity and communication, the competition serves multiple purposes in King’s pedagogical approach.
"The project helps students reflect on the things that they've learned during the course from a big-picture level and distill challenging concepts to their core ideas,” says King.
Students prepare throughout the quarter, engaging in activities like making concept maps and describing science without using jargon, preparing them for the final challenge. As King explains, the need to embrace simplicity is an important skill that future scientists need to learn.
"As scientists, smart use of graphics and jargon-free language is a core part of how we communicate both with the general public and other scientists," she said. "Additionally, it's just fun! After a full quarter of learning all about the quantum mechanics of bonding, students get to express themselves a bit and have fun with the material."
For Olvia Boyd, the winner of this year’s competition, the challenge was not just to understand but to convey a profound idea using the simplest of words. Tasked with presenting the world of wave-particle duality, a concept that bridges the realms of quantum mechanics and everyday experience, Olivia chose to capture the concept through the lens of a beloved childhood fascination - dinosaurs.
"The inspiration came from a seemingly innocuous homework question posed by Professor King," recalled Boyd. "I thought I knew the difference between a wave function and its square modulus until I attempted to explain it using only the 1000 most common words in English. That's when I realized how deep my understanding needed to be."
The journey to articulate the complexities of wave-particle duality was not without its challenges, but luckily for the students in the class, King encouraged a light-hearted approach. Judged by a jury of her peers, it was a diminutive Tyrannosaurus Rex named 'Tiny' that lead to Olivia capturing first prize in the competition.
"I've always learned better when dinosaurs are involved," she admitted with a chuckle. "There's something about connecting abstract concepts with familiar, even unexpected, elements that make learning more engaging."
However, including a T-Rex into her plans served a greater purpose. "I remember hearing a fascinating fact about T-Rexes and their short arms reducing the risk of bites during feeding frenzies," she explained. "It seemed fitting to delve into a concept as profound as wave-particle duality through the lens of a creature that once ruled the Earth."
The project, aptly named 'Tiny', not only encapsulated the intricacies of quantum mechanics but also served as a testament to her journey in chemistry.
"I had zero experience with chemistry before this," Olvia admitted, adding, “but I've loved it and really appreciate the depth of learning. And being recognized for my project felt validating, especially among peers who excel in their scientific pursuits."
Olvia says understanding the fundamentals that underpin complex scientific phenomena has enriched her learning experience. "To explain something simply, you must first grasp its essence," she mused. "It was a journey of building a solid foundation of understanding, much like how Tiny's short arms may have served a purpose beyond what meets the eye."