
Library Facilities

The University of Chicago Library System houses extensive collections relevant to all chemical, physical, and biological disciplines. The John Crerar Library (adjacent to Cummings Life Science Center and the Gordon Center for Integrative Science) is the primary resource for researchers and encompasses the majority of science and medical holdings. Available collections include books, serials, microforms, CD-ROMs and other materials in all areas of science and technology. There is a particularly strong chemistry collection, as well as materials on biology, medicine, polymer and materials sciences, geophysical sciences, physics, astronomy, and the history and philosophy of science and technology. Eckhart Library houses the mathematics, computer science and statistics collections. The serial collections are extraordinarily exhaustive: nearly all journal subscriptions are now available online for perusal and downloading as PDF reprints. Off-campus access is also available through a proxy service.

Faculty, students, staff, and visitors may conduct literature searches by utilizing an extensive collection of online indexing and abstracting databases and engines. These resources include Scifinder Scholar (Chemical Abstracts), Beilstein/Gmelin (organic, inorganic and organometallic compound information), The ISI Web of Knowledge (Science Citation Index), Current Contents, Medline and PubMed. Graduate students, research associates, and faculty have 24-hour access to the John Crerar Libraries (open 365 days a year), with amenable facilities for reading, conferences, and tutorials. These areas are available for both course- and research-related activities. A state-of-the-art computing facility was added in Spring 2000. Library services that are available to users include online interlibrary loan, electronic document delivery, reference and search assistance, online recall of materials, and renewal of lending periods via the online library web catalog.