Ph.D. Program Requirements
First Year
Basic Examinations
The Department administers basic examinations in the fields of inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry in the autumn, winter, and spring quarters. Graduate students are expected to take these examinations upon entering the Department. Deficiencies evidenced by these examinations must be remedied and the examinations passed before the end of the third quarter of residence (not counting summer quarter).
Course Requirements
In the first year, students must satisfactorily complete nine courses. At least six of these must be 30000-level courses from the offerings of the Department of Chemistry or related Departments in the Divisions of Physical or Biological Sciences. The remaining three courses may include chemistry research courses; however, one may not register for these courses during the autumn quarter. An advisor assists students in formulating programs of study that will best satisfy personal needs and Departmental requirements. Courses taken outside the Department to satisfy the first-year requirements must be approved by an advisor.
Grade Requirements
Students who have completed all courses with grades of C or better (P in research courses) may be recommended for the SM degree; these students may, at the discretion of a faculty member, be required to submit a paper on their work in Chemistry 35000 or a 40000-level research course.
At the end of the spring quarter in the first year, the faculty review the student's overall record. Course performance is a major part of this review; a B-average or better in all 30000-level courses (excluding Chemistry 35000) is expected.
Teaching Requirements
All candidates for the Ph.D. are required to participate in some form of teaching, typically serving as a teaching assistant for three quarters.
Second Year and Beyond
Candidacy Examination
Qualified students then prepare for the Ph.D. candidacy examination, which must be taken before the end of the fifth quarter in residence, normally in October. This examination is based on the student's written research prospectus and scientific papers selected by the examining committee. The student presents the research prospectus to the committee and must be prepared to discuss the relevant chemical literature, progress-to-date, plans for future work, and the relationship of the research to other chemical problems. Based on the recommendations of the candidacy examining committee and the student's academic record, faculty vote on admission to candidacy.
The Ph.D. is granted upon satisfactory completion of scholarly research, presented in the form of a written thesis that is discussed in a public seminar and defended orally before a faculty committee.
Students should note the following:
- It is the responsibility of the individual research sponsor to monitor the progress of a student's research. Unsatisfactory progress may result in the termination of financial support and/or dismissal from the Program.
- The Department recommends formal admission to candidacy when the student has satisfied the basic examination and course requirements, passed the candidacy examination and demonstrated satisfactory progress in research and teaching.
- Students may satisfy any or all course requirements by taking proficiency examinations. Application to take a proficiency examination should be made directly to the person who will be teaching a particular course. The examinations are administered during the first week of the quarter in which the course is offered. No stigma is attached to failing a proficiency examination.